Saturday 28 September 2019

Types of Psychometric Test

Mainly it can be divided in to two, which are Personality Test and Ability Test (Carless, 2007). In the meantime, personality test-use to examine the employee’s behaviour at the work place, team work, interpersonal skills, leadership (Arthur, Woehr and Graziana, 2001). However ability test-use to examine to employees skills, verbal skills, numerical skill, problem solving, decision making (Ryan and Sackett,1987).

According to Bryon (2012) There can be many ways of doing the above and few examples are given below.

Verbal reasoning
Numerical Analysis
Mechanical and technical reasoning
Diagrammatic and abstract analysis
Work sample test
In-tray exercises
Trainability test
Personality questionnaires
Situational awareness questionnaires
Interest and motivational inventories
Fault diagnosis
IQ test

There are some independent institutions who provide psychometric testing services. Those tests may come with different ways like, Questionnaire, case studies, Exercises, Role Plays, Group Exercise, interviews, on the job training. These tests can be done via online or in the Assessment centres or in the work shop or in the interview room. Every employee who goes through this process will be marked and given the test score (, 2019).

Simultaneously this test can be designed according to the position. Example-If the organisation need employee with marketing skill, the test can design accordingly. Or the company need employee with more numerical skill, that also can be changed accordingly (Edenborough,2012).  

Reference List

  •  Arthur, W., Woehr,D and Graziano, W. (2001)Personality Testing in Employment Settings, Problems and Issues in the Application of Typical Selection Practices, Personnel Review, 30,pp.657–676.
  • Bryon, M.(2012)Ultimate Psychometric Tests.02nd ed. Kogan Page Ltd, London.
  • Carless, S. (2007)Graduate Recruitment and Selection in Australia, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 15, pp. 153–166.
  •  Edenborough, R.(2012)Brilliant psychometric tests.02nd ed.Harlow, Pearson.
  •  Ryan, M and Sackett, P. (1987)A Survey of Individual Assessment Practices by I/O Psychologists, Personnel Psychology, 40, 455–488

Friday 27 September 2019

Example for psychometric test

As i described in my previous blog,this test can be found in forms of questionnaire,on the job training,interview,discussion, group exercise and case study.

"Psychometric test have been in use in the Armed Forces for many years. They are simply used as a tool to assess a candidates  ability to perform specific tasks that are similar to the ones they will have to undertake in a real life scenario. If we break down the word ‘psychometric’ we can see that ‘psycho’ means mind and ‘metric’ means to measure”.(Mcmunn,2010)

Please refer following videos

How Psychometric tests are used for recruitment

(Source. Testgrid,2018)

Introduction of Psychometric tests 

(Source. Psiho Log,2017)
Some of the service providers, who are allow anyone to access the below mentioned free version of psychometric test.

Sample Questions & Answers 

(Source. CareerVidz,2019)

·       Reference List
  •  CareerVidz(2019) PSYCHOMETRIC TEST Questions & Answers (PASS 100%!)(Online).Available at:<>.(Accessed on 20.09.2019).
  • Mcmunn,R.(2010)The testing series armed forced tests.How2becoem Ltd,United Kindom   
  • Psiho Log(2017)What is Psychometrics?(Online).Available at:< on 20.09.2019).
  • Testgrid(2018)What is psychometric testing(Online).Available at:< on 20.09.2019).

Sunday 22 September 2019

Advantages, Disadvantages of Psychometric Test and Use of Psychometric Test in Sri Lanka

Benefits of Psychometric Test 

According to Fernandies (2015) the advantages of Psychometric test is as follows
Provide the deep information of candidates which cannot be measured by interviews
Psychometric testing saves employers time and money
Provides a true picture of candidates
Treat all candidates equally
Psychometric testing can be used at any stage of the application process
Can measure skills and abilities, not just education

Disadvantages of psychometric Test 

According to Chitra (2019) the disadvantages of Psychometric test is as follows
Measuring method may not effective
Some candidates are more experienced in sitting for test
Incompatible with different cultural people
Must be measured properly
False answers

Use of Psychometric Test in Sri Lanka

Institutions who provide psychometric testing services in Sri Lanka
Hummingbird International
Intercontinental Institute of Human Resource Management (IIHRM)
Uni agents
ASSI Testing Centre

Organization who use psychometric test for recruitment

Sri Lankan Air Lines
DFCC bank


Other than non-profitable organisation, All other companies are trying to maximise their profits. In order to achieve these goals, the organisations must have proper strategic plans. As discussed above, quality of the employees is the key factor in HRM. Past few decades human resources managers have been trying to resolve the main problem they uncounted, which is recruit and select the most suitable candidate for the position. Because employees who are selected through the typical selection tools as mentioned earlier, tend to show the low performance in the work place.
With evolution of the psychometric test, Recruitment and the selection process become easier for the human resources managers to select the perfect candidate for the vacant position, since it can reveal the untold stories about the employee. Therefore it helps organisation to move toward the direction where the company wants to be with the quality and skillful employees. 

Reference List

  • Chithra, R.(2019) advantages-disadvantages-psychometric-tests.Available at<>.(Accessed on 27.08.2019)
  •  Fernandes,O.(2015)Psychometric Assessment and Its Impact on Human.Available at<>. (Accessed on 01.09.2019).

Thursday 19 September 2019

Test your personality with Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)


Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an instrument created by Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers based on the Carl Jung’s (Psychologist) theory to understand the individual’s personality (Scott,2017).Therefor Dee et al (2017) argued this instrument has been used by many organisation, since it is very crucial to know the behaviour of workers and to understand how individuals are respond to different types of situations.

According to Capraro, M and Capraro,R (2002) The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a questionnaire type assessment that help to understand the psychological types of an individual and it is totally based on the four scales and the each scale composed of pair of opposite preferences. which are

ü      Extroversion/Introversion (EI)
ü      Thinking-Feeling (TF)
ü      Sensing/Intuition (SN)
ü      Judgement/Perception (JP)

According to the Allen (2017) it can be showed as follows

Table No.01-Scales of MBTI test

Where you focus your attention
Extroversion or "E"
Introversion or "I
People who prefer Extroversion tend to focus on  the outer world of people and activity.
People who prefer Introversion tend to focus on    the inner world of ideas and impressions
The way you take in information
Sensing or "S"
Intuition or "N"
People who prefer Sensing tend to take in  information through the five senses and focus  on the here and now

People who prefer Intuition tend to take in  information from patterns and the big picture and focus on future possibilities.
The way you make  decisions
Thinking or "T"
Feeling or "F"
People who prefer Thinking tend to make  decisions based primarily on logic and on  objective analysis of cause and effect.
People who prefer Feeling tend to make decisions based primarily on values and on subjective  consideration of person-centered concerns.
How you deal with the outside world
Judgement or "J"
Perception or "P"
People who prefer Judging tend to like a planned  and organised approach to life and want to have things settled.
People who prefer Perceiving tend to like a flexible and spontaneous approach to life and want to keep their options open.

With the above main 04 scales,there are 16 combination of personalities can be found.Accordingly following 16 personalities and their characteristics are styled herewith.

  Characteristics of personalities

ISTJ (Introversion Sensing Thinking Judgment)

According to Baron (1998)
·   Quiet, serious, earn success by conscientiousness and irresponsibleness.
·   Practical, matter-of-fact, realistic, and accountable. Decide logically
·   Work toward it steady, despite distractions. creating everything orderly and 

ISFJ (Introversion Sensing Feeling Judgment)

Wyman (2001) stated
·   Quiet, friendly, accountable, and conscientious. Committed and steady
·   In meeting their obligations. Thorough, conscientious, and correct.
·   Loyal, considerate
·   Concerning those that are important to them.

INFJ (Introversion Intuition Feeling Judgement)

According to Emre (2018)
·   They Seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material
·   Wish to know what motivates people and are insightful about others.
            ·   Committed to their firm values. Develop a clear vision about how best to 
                serve the common  good.

INTJ(Introversion Intuition Thinking Judgement)

According to Moss (2013) they are
·   Analytical, determined, and intensely individualistic.
·   They’re deeply motivated by inspiration. I
·   Plan generators and are willing to do everything to make sure their 
    concepts become reality.
·   They need high standards for themselves and a lesser extent for others.

Reference List

  • Baron, R(1998)discover who you really are.01st ed, ,New York, Penguin books
  • Dee,S., Mallari, R,Maria,J and Pelayo, G.(2017)Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 
    (MBTI), Personality Profiling and General Weighted Average (GWA) of 
    Nursing Students,Assessment, Counselling, Alumni and Placement Cente
    (ACAP).(Online).available at <>
    Accessed  on 09.09.2019). 
  • Hammer , A (2017) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Comparison Report. 
    Work Styles.
  • Hammer,A(1993)Introduction to Type and Careers. Califonia Consulting Psychologists Press.
  • Miller,N(2019) Working together: What’s your personality type?
    (Online Available at <>.).
    (Accessed on 25.09.2019)
  • Moss,A(2013) The Secret Lives of INTJs, Oddly Developed Types
  • Robert, M.,Capraro, M and Capraro,R(2002) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 
    Score Reliability Across: Studies a Meta-Analytic Reliability Generalisation, 
    Educational and Psychological Measurement.
  • Scott ,K(2017) Myers Briggs Type Indicator.(Online).Available at<>.Accessed on 01.09.2019
  • Wyman,p(2001)Three keys to self-understanding, An innovative and effective 
    combination of the Myers Brigg type indicator, Assessment Tool, the 
    enneagram and inner child healing,enter of application of psychology. Gainesville

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Characteristics of MBTI personalities

In my previous blog dated 27.09.2019 ( Test your personality with Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)) have described about 04 personalities and their characteristics. Furthermore, following personalities and its characteristics are stated for each combination.
ISTP (Introversion Sensing Thinking Perception)
Tieger et al (2001) stated
·   They have Ability to bring order to confusing data and to recognizable facts
·   Stay calm and cool under pressure. Also they are
·   Flexible and willing to take risks and try new approaches.
·   They have powers of observation and an excellent memory
·   good common sense

ISFP (Introversion Sensing Feeling Perception)
According to the 2019 ) they are
·   Quiet, friendly, sensitive, and kind.
·   Get pleasure from the current moment
·   Loyal and committed to their values and to people that are vital to them.
·   Dislike disagreements and conflicts

INFP (Introversion Intuition Feeling Perception)
Thomson (1998) stated
·   They are Creative, and idealistic.
·   Ability to relate to others.
·   Able to see different paths/ways of doing something.
·   They recognize different possibilities

INTP (Introversion Intuition Thinking Perception)
According to Osborn (2016)
·      They are reserved, logical, and abstract individuals.
·      They constantly seek knowledge and understanding.
·      They prefer to observe and understand
·      They are problem solvers.

ESTP (Extroversion Sensing Thinking Perception)
Berens et al.(2001) says
·   They are “doers”, pragmatic, and spontaneous.
·   Able to categorize data and apply it.
            ·   They place limited importance in concept and theory and prefer to focus on what 
                needs to be done.
·   They view rules as guidelines and will follow.
·   Enthusiasm for getting projects started

ESFP (Extroversion Sensing Feeling Perception)
Wyman (2001) stated
·   They are
·   Very sociable, harmonious, and spontaneous.
·   They let their feelings and experiences
·   Know what they value.
·   Able to relate to others and seek to identify with those who share similar interests.
·   They live in the here-and-now.
·   extremely outgoing:

ENFP (Extroversion Intuition Feeling Perception)
According to Moss (2013)
·   Animated, inspiring, and innovative.
·   People-oriented.
·   They convey themselves to other people through speech, mannerisms, and 
·   enjoy both ideas and people
·   They are also charming

ENTP (Extroversion Intuition Thinking Perception)
According to Berens and Nardi (2004)
·   Pragmatic, and spontaneous.
·   They take in the world through their senses and view it in a concrete fashion.
·   They are able to categorize data and apply it.
·   Focus on what needs to be done.
·   They view rules as guidelines and will follow them so long as it is convenient.
·    has enthusiasm for getting projects started

ESTJ (Extroversion Sensing Thinking Judgment)
Allen (2017) Stated
·   Responsible, realistic, and conventional. They are more focused on linking the 
    past to the present.
·   They use logic and traditional principles
·   They are quick to come up with a plan and finish it off. T
·   They may take on leadership roles.
·   They are self-confident and assertive.

ESFJ (Extroversion Sensing Feeling Judgment)
Nardi (1999) Stated
          ·   Friendly, practical, and organized.
          ·   Extremely capable of expressing their emotions.
          ·   Guardians of the emotions of others.
          ·   They are always looking to protect others feelings above all other things.
          ·   In decision making they always consider how their choice will impact all those
          ·   They enjoy adhering to tradition and will go to great lengths to follow standard 
               social protocols

ENFJ (Extroversion Intuition Feeling Judgment)
According to Emre (2018)
          ·   Altruistic, introspective, friendly, and idealistic.
          ·   They naturally work well in matters concerning other people.
          ·   Aware of other people's needs.

ENTJ (Extroversion Intuition Thinking Judgment)
According to Berens and Nardi (2004)
          ·   Decisive, strategic, and natural leaders.
          ·   They have ability to see the consequences before acting on a plan. 
          ·   They usually take on the role as the leader.
          ·   They look ahead and establish goals

Reference List
  • Berens,L and Nardi,D(2004)Understanding yourself and others, An introduction to the personality type code,califonia
  • Berens,L., Linda K and  Smith,M(2001)Quick guide to the 16 personality types and teams,Applying team essentials to create effective teams. Califonia, Telos
  • Hammer, A (2017) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Comparison Report. Work Styles.
  • Moss,A(2013) The Secret Lives of INTJs, Oddly Developed Types
  • Myers Brigg & Briggs foundation.(online).available at <>.  Accessed  on 07.09.2019
  •  Osborn,G(2016)Personality type and difference in ministry.London, spck publishing
  • Thomson,L(1998)Personality type, An owner’s manual.01st ed. /Boston, Shamala
  • Tieger,P.,Tieger,B(2001) Do What You Are Little.01ST ed. USA,Brown
  •  Wyman,p(2001)Three keys to self-understanding, An innovative and effective combination of the Myers Brigg type indicator, Assessment Tool, the enneagram and inner child healing,enter of application of psychology. Gainesville

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Strengths and weakness of MBTI and Conclusion

How to use MBTI test

This is question base test which and the results of the each personality type are unique. Because different personality type shows different capabilities. Though the MBTI test is very popular in recruitment process to analyze the personality type of the applicant, but also it is very important to each and every individual, who can identify the strength and weakness of themselves (Zarafshan et al,2011).  

(Source. MinionNo (2016) 

Test your personality with MBTI

Please use below mentioned link in order to know what type of personality you are belongs to out of the 16 personalities described above and identify your weakness & strength.

Strengths and weakness of MBTI (Bayne,1998) and (,2019)

  • Help to understand our self and others
  • Identify the strength and weakness of our self and others
  • Easy to maintain good relationship with others
  • Create a personal development plan
  • Increase emotional intelligence
  • Avoid and resolve conflicts
  • Improve communication skills

  • There can be misinterpretations
  • Can be misused for other purpose
  • Always not give correct answers
  • Can be manipulated
  • It doesn’t proof everything about personality


The MBTI is a key powerful tool that may be adapted to identify the personality of an individual. Therefor it becomes very popular tools to increase the effectiveness of groups and teams of an organization. Other hand it is been used by psychiatrics to understand the personalities. The best gift that the MBTI provides people is that the magnified understanding of each themselves and others.

Reference List

  • Baron, R(1998)discover who you really are.01st ed, ,New York, Penguin books
  • Berens,L and Nardi,D(2004)Understanding yourself and others,An introduction to the personality type code,califonia
  • Emre,M(2018) What's Your Type?: The Strange History of Myers-Briggs and the Birth of Personality Testing. New York, Harper Collins Publishers Limited
  • Myers Brigg & Briggs foundation,(2019).(online).available at <>.  Accessed  on 07.09.2019 
  •  MinionNoMore (2016) THE FAMOUS MYERS-BRIGGS PERSONALITY TEST - WHAT'S YOUR PERSONALITY TYPE? (Online).Available at:<https:// on 02.10.2019).
  • Nardi, D (1999)Character and personality type,iscovering your uniqueness for career and relationship success.Califonia,Telos
  • Zarafshan,K.,Cano,J., Sharafi, L.,Rajabi,S and Sulaiman,A (2011) Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®)in the Teaching of Entrepreneurial Skills at an Iranian University